Help - My Lubricants
Add Click to add a new lubricant.
Filter Click to get a list of fields to filter the lubricants in the list. More than one filter can be used.
Lubricant Name : Filter the list by a lubricant name.
Supplier : Filter the list by a supplier.
Grade Class : Filter the list by a Grade Class.
Clear filters : Click to clear all the filters being used.
LUBRICANT NAME : The name of the lubricant.
SUPPLIER : The name of the supplier.
GRADE CLASS : The Grade Class of the lubricant.
CREATED DATE : The date the lubricant was created.
MASTER PROFILE : The master profile of the lubricant. Click on the link to access the master profile details. You can change the master profile by clicking on the Profiles link, if there are more than one profile been created for this lubricant.
Profiles Click on the link to view the profiles been created for this lubricant.
Add Click on the link to add a profile to this lubricant.